Visual Process Journal
For this assignment, you will be working in small groups. Your group will need to choose a material (fabric, clay, charcoal, paint, paper, or other transformable material), design and create a series of material-relational events that attend to the relational, agentic nature of materials, ways of moving with and corresponding with materials and each other, and how materials are active in shaping events and curricular processes. You will need to document your emerging and ongoing processes through the practices of pedagogical narration by creating weekly working papers (including notational documentation, images and other traces), and using this, compose a series of well-developed pedagogical narrations that describes, gives insight into, and conceptualizes your groups’ processes, experimentations, and compositions. Your narrations should be well-written and insightfully composed, and be shaped by ideas in the course readings, and demonstrate your understanding of materialist perspectives as it relates to curriculum development. It should also reflect the values, principles and orientations of the BC Early Learning Framework.
Your completed pedagogical narrations should be submitted as a well-designed and interpretive power point, keynote document, or pdf. Your working papers and final version need to adhere to the power point guidelines as posted.
This assignment will grow out of class activities and discussions and will be discussed and developed more fully in class. We will work with your notational documentation, traces, and conversation boards in class so make sure to have them with you. Although class time will be devoted to this assignment, you will need to meet with your group outside of class to work on and complete the project. At the conclusion of this project each student will be expected to complete a reflective self-evaluation in regards to participation and contribution to the group project, and personal learning.
Each group should be prepared to share their working papers, pedagogical narrations, and insights with the class in an informal presentation. As part of this assignment you will be handing in:
1. Working papers: your group’s in-process pedagogical notations, emergent traces and narrations, submitted as hard copies.
2. Group pedagogical narration, formatted as a booklet, submitted as power point or pdf.
3. Individual self-evaluation
© Sylvia Kind