Chapter Summary-Response

Part one

Choose one of the chapters in Encounters with Materials to respond to. First, write a summary that discusses the key terms, ideas, concepts, and ways of thinking with materials that are addressed in the chapter. Your summary should be a well-written synopsis of the authors ideas and be 400-500 words in length, and use APA style of referencing. Please limit direct quotes to only a few short phrases as the intent of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the central ideas and ways of thinking with and working with materials. While the focus should be on one particular chapter and the concepts discussed you may supplement your discussion with other aspects of the course text as needed in order to adequately discuss and explain the central concepts.

Part two

Once you have written the summary you will need work with the ideas and create a response. Your response should explore some of the concepts through material engagement such as ephemeral works, material constructions, or other experiential elements. You should document your processes using pedagogical narration processes and compose a digital document (ie power point). Your PN should include images of the processes, rich written descriptions of the processual unfoldings, give attention to the unique life, qualities, and characteristics of the materials, and conceptually and materially engage with the central concepts and ideas in the chapter. Your response should engage with and demonstrate your understanding of the agentic nature of materials and what material-makings produce.

The written summary and pedagogical narration need to be completed individually but the experiential element of the assignment may be carried out in collaboration with another student or may involve work with small groups of children.

This assignment includes two elements:

1. Written paper: a summary of the key terms, ideas and concepts in the chapter. 400-500 words in length.

2. Response: a pedagogical narration of your processes of working with the ideas. 5-8 pages in length.

© Sylvia Kind


Thinking with Materials: Short Paper


Visual Process Journal